I decided to do a post with my combat boots since I almost never wear them, I got them at buffalo exchange and I do love them. It's just that for some reason I never know what to wear them with lol. I guess its because I am more of a heels and dresses kind of girl, which it kindda sucks (not really) because I'm so jealous of girls who can just wear them with anything! I've tried that but I feel like I end up looking silly so I always end up changing...I need to experiment more with them I guess.
Decidi hacer un post con mis botas porque casi nunca las uso, las compre en buffalo exchange y si me encantan. Por alguna razon nunca se como usarlas, creo que es porque soy una chica mas de tacones y vestidos. Aunque aveces no me gusta y envidio a las chicas que las pueden usar con todo! Yo ya he tratado pero siempre termino sintiendome un poco tonta y termino cambiandome...creo que nesesito experimentar con ellas mas.
Nice outfit, really liked the tights :)